Tuesday, August 19, 2008

First dibs - Red Mango

Guess who was first in line today at the grand opening of Red Mango on 32nd street. President Bush? Ghandi's cousin? Michael Phelps??? No way! It was ShittyChef and CakeWardrobe Suckersss!

We arrived at 12:45 thinking it was opened. There was no line and the door was locked. A sign on the door said free froYo! We hung out for about 20 minutes. Looked like they were having trouble with the registers. I wanted a medium but had to settle for a small with one topping. So rich and creamy. Thumbs up!

Busted registers - Only got a small froYo with CapCrunch

Some dude opened the door as I snapped this pic. The line was getting pretty deep.

1 comment:

cakewardrobe said...

Yay for being first! and unplanned!