Thursday, November 13, 2008

Almost lost my camera...

How many times can you say you left your camera in a cab and actually got it back 2 minutes later!

It happened earlier today! We pulled up to a fancy building in Shanghai to grab drinks and take pictures. I look up, saw a great view, reached for my pocket for a camera and it wasn't there. I LEFT it in a CAB! We turn around and sure enough the cab actually made a u-turn and it was across the street. I yell over, look into the cab, and thank goodness it was sitting on the floor. The cab drive, who happened to be a woman, kept saying "I had no idea it was there" in mandarin. She thought I was accusing her of stealing it.

All is well in the camera front. Pictures to be posted after my trip. Credit to techomologist who spotted the driver.

Greetings from China!

We were playing with LED's midnight in Beijing. Here's a little peak and a hello of what one of our projects look like!

Hi (你好)